четвъртък, 1 декември 2011 г.

We commemorate also today St. Eucherius, the distinguished Bishop of Lyons

FrJames Thornton
We commemorate also today St. Eucherius, the distinguished Bishop of Lyons
Johannes Quasten, the famed patrologist, quotes a contemporary of St. Eucherius in his introduction to this Saint:"He was undoubtedly the greatest of the great bishops of his time."
Letter to Veranus
Written in the early V CenturyTranslated by Karen Rae Keck, 1996
Formulas of Spiritual IntelligencePreface
Eucherius to his son in Christ, Veranus, greetings.
"...We remind ourselves and others that, in the future, the whole of scripture will be our [mental] dress; the old, as well as the new, will be the means to allegorical understanding, because as we read in the Old Testament: I will open my mouth in parables; I will speak in old mysteries [Ps. 77(78):2], or again, as it is written in the New Testament, Jesus spoke all these things in parables to the crowds and without parables he would not speak to them [Matt. 13:34]. The heavenly talk of the prophets and the apostles is not to be wondered at; it is brought forth by prayer, not by the usual way that men write. Much will vanish easily if it is gotten readily; great things, which are the true thing, held in the interior, will be brought together, that the blessed sayings of God will be separated from other writings by their worth and type."
Nataliy Borislavova
  • За съжаление не мога да предложа добър превод, но най-важното, което казва този духовно издигнат мъж, епископ на Лион, още в ранните векове на християнството е ,че небесните беседи и поучения апостолите и пророците са извеждали чрез молитв...а, а не по обичайния начин на четене на Св. Писание.Когато чета подобни текстове от ранните векове на християнството, все по- ясно разбирам колко дръзки, самонадеяни, и бих казала безумни, сме днешните хора, които дръзко и самонадеяно четем Св. Писание, та дори го тълкуваме.

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